
JUMPSCARE! thats right i bet you weren't expecting me to add a Hadaka Shitsuji page on my website. i mean if you knew me prior then i don't think you'd be very surprised but thats right i did in fact make a Hadaka Shitsuji page for my website and it's freakn awesome. so be prepared to enter the insane and, dare i say, yaoiful nature of my inner ramblings about this visual novel.
also just a heads up the actual game itself is QUITE nsfw and also really fucked up so brace yourself if you dare to look it up. but i wont go in detail on those kinda stuffs


now you may be wondering. what the hell is a Hadaka Shitsuji. and to that i say, what the hell ISN'T a Hadaka Shitsuji. i mean seriously you could piece literally anything to Hadaka Shitsuji if you tried. from soup to flowers to brooms to storage rooms and forks and knives. i mean literally god damn everything. literally half the shit i see in my daily life i immediately react with a "no way Hadaka Shitsuji reference" and i don't regret one bit. THAT'S RIGHT I HAVE NO REGRETS!!!!! i have NO regrets THIS IS MY PEAK!!! ever since i first picked it up in the crisp November of 2021 my brain has been. rotting. and did i try to tell myself it was "just a hyperfixation"?? yes. yes i did. and GUESS WHAT IT WASNT "JUST A HYPERFIXATION"!!!!! thats right you guessed it this fucking yaoi game is, you could say, an Interest that is very Special to me. and i'm so glad that it is. but i also think it kind of ruined me. because now i can't play any VN without being like "yeah but i could really be playing Hadaka Shitsuji instead" (and then proceeding to do just that.) except for maybe sweet pool because that's a really great game. but this isn't about sweet pool, is it? no no my friend this is about Hadaka Shitsuji. and probably the Hadaka Shitsuji fandisk + sequel. which still need to be fucking translated. WHERE IS IT, MANGAGAMER? WHERE IS THE TRANSLATION? WHERE IS IT? YOU WORKED ON KANJA S NO KYUUSAI BUT YOU DON'T FINISH A PROJECT YOU "PICKED UP" 10 YEARS AGO? WHERE IS THE TRANSLATION? but until it gets officially translated i'll just have to deal with Textractor bullshit.
